He hasn't signed on yet.
Are we waiting on anyone?
I don't look socially acceptable. 我現在穿的很隨便
Can anyone see my screen?
You are on mute.
Let's get back to...
Why don't you take this one?I'm sorry I interrupted you.
Out of Office 請假
Call it a day. 今日就這樣吧
work from home (WFH)
work onsite 在辦公室工作
Keep me in the loop. 有消息跟我說, keep me updated/informed
Could I take the day off?
I'd like to discuss my salary. (give me a raise)
I am excited to keep working towards key company goals and grow my personal responsibilities. Considering my tenure here, a salary increase of 10% is appropriate.
Have you got a second/moment? 你有空嗎?
Turn in your timesheets. 提交考勤紀錄, clocking in and out
go back to the drawing board. 重新開始
Please cut me some slack 請放過我吧(不適合對主管說)
slack off 偷懶