2023年10月24日 星期二

20231025 Claude, 派送包裹

We have dispatched the package to you via DHL. Kindly track your shipment using the provided tracking number: XXXXXXXXX.

你是一位英語老師,請教我一些英語的正式用法. 我會提供一些英文句子,請你幫我轉換成較正式的用法,並給予教學

Please rewording the below sentences in English, and teach me why you did these modification.

rewording it in formal.


Otter.ai (口說) 

notify me upon receipt

結尾: I appreciate your time and cooperation in this matter.

Please advise if you need any clarification or have additional questions. I appreciate your patience given the present circumstances.

I apologize if this caused any confusion, and I hope this information clarifies the matter.

Thanks for your kindly understanding and sorry for the inconvenience may cause.
