sacrifice 犧牲
cabbage 高麗菜 (音很像 garbage 垃圾)
broccoli 花椰菜
compliment 讚賞
complimentary 免費的
Non-Profit Organization (NPO)
World Trade Organization (WTO)
ASMR: Autonomous sensory meridian response, 自主性感官經絡反應
tearful 流淚的
farewell 告別
farewell party 道別會
fare 費用, 車馬費
professional tennis 職業網壇
emotional 情緒化的
41-year-old 41歲
ovation 鼓掌
standing ovation 起立鼓掌
court 法庭, 球場, 餐廳
for the final time 最後一次
as he retired as a professional
professional 可當 adj, 也可當 n.
Global leaders came to wave farewell to Quenn Elizabeth II(second). 全球領袖前來向女王揮手告別
play [u] 比賽
a plethora of records 許多的紀錄
he also became one of the most popular players tennis has ever seen.
Not only did Federer push boundaries with his play and set a plethora of records,..
否定字開頭, 後面要倒裝 (V + S),
push boundaries 突破界線
- Some artists are meant to provoke people and push boundaries.
be meant to V 原意是要
ballet 芭蕾
graceful 優雅 grace
fluent 流暢
endeared him 使人喜愛
polite 禮貌
charm 迷人
personality 人格特質
So too 也是如此
transcend 超越(品牌: 創見)
- Because of their visual nature, animations have the ability to transcend language.
inflation 通膨, 充氣 (high/low)
deflation 通縮, 漏氣
around the world
decade 10年
latest report 最新最近期的報告
United Nations Food 聯合國食物
Argiculture Organization 農業組織
hit a... high 來到新高
hit a record high 將紀錄推向新高
household n. 家庭, 一家人 adj. 家庭的
household name n. 家喻戶曉
- One of the most successful actors in Hollywood, Tom Hanks is a household name around the world.
- Nearly every household(family) owns a computer. household 比較正式
shell 殼
shell out 剝殼
share v. 分享, n. 分配到的一份
- The corporation expects to have a bigger share of the market next year.
income 收入
expense 支出
- a six-figure annual income 六位數收入
- Tourism is a major source of income for Thailand.
butter 奶油n. v.塗奶油
keep ...fed 使溫飽
to keep themselves and their families fed. 使自已與家人得以溫飽
market share 市佔率
The company's share price 公司股價
harvest n.收穫, v.收割
- Reduced harvest for some items and a recent surge in energy prices is also feeding food price inflation.
- Farmers are looking forward to a good harvest every year.
- to reap(收割) the harvest 收割成果
item n. 項目
- what is the next item on our agenda?
- there are some items missing on the shelf. 架上有些商品沒了
shelf 架
chef 廚師
reduce v.
reduced adj.
- You can buy some food at a reduced price in this market.
- to increase profits by reducing costs